For making your cab booking, visit the official travel portal of Friends Travel Zone. Fill in all the required details including your destination and departure date. You will find a list of all Delhi to Chandigarh cabs available for the journey. Moreover, you have the option of booking your Delhi to Chandigarh taxi for one-way as well as round trips.
You can also contact the customer service of Friends Travel Zone for a hassle-free cab booking experience. Considering the Covid-19 situation, all the safety protocols are being followed. The cabs are well-sanitized. Moreover, it is compulsory for drivers and passengers to wear their masks. You can see that ‘My Safety Promise’ is being offered to the cabs that are following all the guidelines. The process of booking a Delhi to Chandigarh cab is pretty easy. Simply log in to the Friends Travel Zone official portal and provide all your details for taxi booking. You will get a list of the available car options at various prices. You can select a ride for your travel date and enjoy a smooth journey.
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