Privacy Policy

Friends Travel Zone India Privacy Policy

Friends Travel Zone India regards your security and perceives the need to ensure the actual recognizable data (any data by which you can be distinguished, like name, address, and phone number) you share with us. We might want to guarantee you that we keep proper guidelines with regards to securing your protection on our sites.

By and large, you can visit Friends Travel Zone India the site without letting us know what your identity is or uncovering any close to home data about yourself. We track the Internet address of the areas from which individuals visit us and examine this information for patterns and insights, yet the singular client stays mysterious.
A portion of our website pages use "treats" so we can all the more likely serve you with tweaked data when you return to our webpage. Treats are identifiers which a site can ship off your program to keep on your PC to work with your following visit to our site. You can set your program to inform you when you are sent a treat, giving you the choice to choose whether or not to acknowledge it. The data we gather and examine is utilized to work on our administration to you.
There are times when we might gather individual data from you like name, actual location or phone number. It is our aim to illuminate you before we do that and to stop for a minute we mean to do with the data. By and large, you will have the choice not to give the data, and later on you will actually want to "quit" specific employment of the data. In case you decide not to give the data we demand, you can in any case visit the Friends Travel Zone India site, yet you might not be able to get to specific choices, offers and administrations.
Friends Travel Zone India won't sell, exchange or unveil to outsiders any data got from the enrollment for, or utilization of, any web-based help (counting names and addresses) without the assent of the client or client (besides as needed by summon, court order, or other legitimate cycle or on account of approaching actual mischief to the client or others). Friends Travel Zone India will permit providers to get to the data for motivations behind affirming your enrollment and furnishing you with benefits you are qualified for.
Friends Travel Zone India will find fitting ways to ensure the data you share with us. We have executed innovation and security highlights and severe strategy rules to defend the protection of your actually recognizable data from unapproved access and inappropriate use or revelation. will keep on improving our security strategies as new innovation opens up.
Assuming our protection strategy changes later on, it will be posted here and another successful date will be shown. You should get to our protection strategy routinely to guarantee you comprehend our present arrangements. If it's not too much trouble, reference the security strategy in your headline. will endeavor to react to every sensible concern or request inside five work long periods of receipt.
At the point when you register with Friends Travel Zone India we or any of our accomplices/member/bunch organizations might reach you every now and then to give the offers/data of such items/benefits that we accept may help you.
Much thanks to you for utilizing Friends Travel Zone India !!!

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